Collective Joy
When we inspire each other to keep learning and growing as individuals and as a community, we find ways to transform pain into creativity and darkness into light. Together, we create joy and connection. Let's share our joy and celebrate each other.
As kids, we were taught to be ambitious and to avoid being content. I remember contentment being viewed as lacking drive, lacking lustre, just plain lacking. To be seen as thriving, we were encouraged to go after more and to strive for more. More knowledge, more things, more success. Essentially, we were raised
As a society, we have become reliant on what other people say and do. We seek direction from external influences for our pleasure and purpose. I wonder if it’s because our human desire is to be seen and accepted, so we follow who and what is getting attention. The downside of turning to
Since my last newsletter, I have been actively making time for joy as a way of shifting my energy from heavy (trauma healing) to light (feeling free). It has been uplifting and soul-affirming! Joy is being in the energy of your truth. It is a source of light that connects us to other
Curiosity is the playground within your heart where your creative spirit is free to explore joy and wonder. After years of playing it safe in my life, it felt really good to embody my curiosity and play with the idea of writing and creating a book. The process was scary at first, but
When I think about authenticity, words like true and pure come to mind. I am reminded of things being in a natural state and coming from soil, not influenced or changed by external factors. So, in terms of a human being living authentically, I think about a person living from a state of
Intention is often associated with doing or making more of something, like doing more fitness classes or making more money. However, I like to think of intention as a state of energy and a way of being. It's the energy that leads us in our actions. In your life, are you leading with loving
Emotional agility
The topic of emotional agility is personal for me because it is the foundation of my daily practice and the theme of my new children’s book. This week, I experienced a devastating loss with the death of my friend’s 13 year-old daughter. It was a harsh reminder that life is unpredictable, incredibly hard
I have discovered that creativity is not what you think, it's how you express your feelings. As a child, I told myself that "I am not creative". My parents discouraged me from taking art and music classes because, in their opinion, "art didn't amount to anything" like a real job or a proper
On the path to authenticity
True connection happens when we stop comparing our lives and start sharing our stories. It is in sharing our stories and experiences, within a safe and supportive environment, that we learn to value and care for one another.