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Find me

In service

I visit schools to share stories of inner strength and offer tools to establish emotional agility. I’d love to visit your classroom! Book an author visit.

On the path

I offer my skills as a forest therapy guide and open doors for you to enjoy a sensory immersive experience in nature. Book a forest therapy walk.

With my kids

I am present. Singing. Dancing. Drawing. Playing. Watching movies. Skiing. Hiking. Baking. Road tripping. Talking. Listening. Learning. Follow our adventures.

In the studio

I play with creative ideas and concepts that become books, poems and podcasts. This is where the magic happens. Let’s play.

In the shops

I visit book stores and gift shops to meet kids and sign copies of my book! If you are interested in an author visit, I’d love to chat with you. Let’s connect.

In stillness

I practice a daily meditation that helps me stay focussed and emotionally regulated. Join me for guided meditations.


Together, we explore life on the path to authenticity through joy, kindness, courage and calmness.