Happy Fall, friends! The Autumnal Equinox is one of my favourite times of the year to reflect on the topic of gratitude. I return to books of poetry by Rumi and Mary Oliver to provide a sense of warmth and connection. I also return to this quote from Mary Davis which grounds me in the ritual of practicing gratitude: The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.
I love this quote because it serves as a reminder that gratitude is a conduit to consciousness. In other words, when you are aware of the beauty that is around you, you are grateful. Also, it reinforces the importance of being clear and having space (in your mind and heart) to see small flashes of delight in the big picture of life.
When I began writing this newsletter and thinking about gratitude, I was intrigued by the idea that “returning to” something, like a book or a quote, can offer a pathway for inspiration. I was inclined to flip the script (or in this case the quote) so it reads: The more beauty I see, the more grateful I am. This doesn’t change the meaning of the quote; however, it does emphasize the act of noticing beauty as the return to gratitude.
Returning to Gratitude
Think about all the ways you are pulled into your mind and away from your senses throughout the day. For me, for instance, the pull comes from focussing on family and work responsibilities, while also turning my attention toward media for news and entertainment. Sound familiar?! In this cycle of doing and consuming, the mind becomes filled with thoughts, opinions, images, noise, and information, creating a disconnect from present awareness. It’s hard to see clearly through clutter and, as such, opportunities to deepen your sense of gratitude are often missed. Returning to gratitude requires a conscious effort to focus on the present moment and notice beauty in it.
The more beauty I see, the more grateful I am.
Engage Your Heart Sense
I like to think of seeing as noticing, not just with your eyes but with all the senses, including your innate sense of love. When you take a moment to sense something beautiful in your presence and receive it into your heart, you acknowledge its value in the world. It may be the unique markings on a leaf, the texture of moss, the taste of a strawberry, the scent of a candle, the sound of silence, the way the light comes in a window, the way someone smiles at you, or the way the clouds move. These are seemingly small things; however, in essence, each one is a tiny little miracle. When you pay attention to what is present and receive it through your senses, you notice its meaning and beauty. And, in the noticing, you experience appreciation and a return to gratitude.
The more beauty I see, the more grateful I am.
Notice Beauty in Nature
The concept of gratitude evolves from the prosocial behaviour of bonding – working together, building trust, and being part of a community. As y’all know, nature offers many reminders of the ways we are bonded through webs, roots, seasons, and cycles. In this season of gratitude, I invite you to return to the outdoors to notice the beauty in nature’s tiny little miracles. Journal about what you notice. See how things may change with time.
The more beauty I see, the more grateful I am.
In October, I am offering a workshop for those who would like to join me outdoors to practice simply noticing nature through your senses. Sign up for my newsletter to receive details.
Thank you for being here. I am deeply grateful for you. Next time, we’ll explore transcendence.
Let’s journey together.
Our community is rooted in love and we love creative expression. Please feel free to share your creative expressions with us on Instagram #onthepath | @meganlammam
With love,