The Autumnal Equinox is one of my favourite times of the year to reflect on the topic of gratitude. I return to books of poetry by Rumi and Mary Oliver to provide a sense of warmth and connection. I also return to this quote from Mary Davis which grounds me in the ritual
Belonging Part 2
I don’t know if it’s a mid-life awakening or simply a survival technique to help get me through the teenage years with my kids, but I have been setting some big boundaries this year. Partly, it’s to conserve energy because I’m 50! But also, it’s to preserve my peace. So, where there are
Last week, my friend, Angela, sent me a text that read: “Stay the course.” Her message came through during a meditation and it was like a divine call from the Universe. I received it loud and clear. It was a swift reminder for me to get back on the path. For the last
As a parent, friend, and co-worker, I encounter new experiences almost daily that require deeper understanding and adaptation. So, diving into the topic of humility this month was on point; a true adventure of unlearning and expansion. My first step was to deconstruct an old belief.
This week, like many of you, I am recovering from a busy holiday season and processing grief (missing people I love and putting to rest what is no longer a part of my life). Coming home to this newsletter community and exploring the theme of grace has been just what my heart needs.
I’ve always loved wearing my heart on my sleeve, literally. Often, you’ll see me wearing t-shirts and sweatshirts with bold messages like “Choose Kind” and “More Love”. My favourite tee has a big heart on it with the words “Get in here”. I express myself in this way to provide an opening for
Nature Is Our Guide
In nature, we are guided to listen, play and trust. We learn to be a good friend and partner. This summer, I took a pause from writing to spend time exploring the great outdoors with my kids. In many ways, it was a sacred pause - a gift of time - to be
Summer On The Path
Happy Summer! With the kids home from school and the days being longer, I am anticipating a busy time ahead. To stay healthy and aware of our physical and emotional needs, I am sharing some of my favourite self-care techniques with you in this Summer Guide To Living On The Path!
I recently gifted my friend, Deb, a tarot reading for her 50th birthday. I asked Deb to pull a theme card for her year (followed by 12 cards for each month). The theme card she pulled was transformation. At first glance, we were thrilled by the idea of transforming at 50! Then, we noticed
Rumi said, "It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you." Rumi's words remind me that my soul's journey is my sole responsibility to honour and experience. It is up to me to walk in the direction of my purpose by being