Happy New Year! As we begin this new year, we are taking another step forward on the path to authenticity. Thank you for showing up and being my accountability partner on this journey!
This week, like many of you, I am recovering from a busy holiday season and processing grief (missing people I love and putting to rest what is no longer a part of my life). Coming home to this newsletter community and exploring the theme of grace has been just what my heart needs. I hope you receive the gift of grace today too.
Here’s what I’ve learned about grace:
It is pure love for all beings.
It is gentle.
It is tender.
It is free of judgment.
It is free of fear.
It is acceptance of what is.
Grace is the heart in me seeing the heart in you.
It seems simple yet, as we know, the offering of pure, unconditional love is never simple. It is often overshadowed by expectations, needs or insecurities. Personal attachments and agendas get in the way of unconditional love. Also, when triggered, pain from childhood wounds can impair our ability to feel or express love.
The moment we speak, think, or act from a place of woundedness, opinion, judgment, or lack, we become lost in ego and rage. Our reactions are great reminders to adjust with grace.
Grace is accepting what is.
With grace, we accept our truths, differences, and limitations. We stand in our truth (not our wound) and we move forward with love (not ego). It’s a process of returning to what is sacred.
Grace is found in the space beyond the wound.
Sometimes, when we are faced with disrespect or disregard from others, we are called to show up with grace by not engaging. Being graceful is providing space with love.
The more I learn about grace, the more I long for it in my life and in the lives of all beings on this planet. For this reason, I chose it as my word of the year. Grace will be my beacon of light as I move forward on the path with love.
If you feel inspired to practice with me, here are some of the ways that I intend to show up with grace:
- By being aware of my responses (and owning them), particularly when I respond from a wound (anger/hurt) rather than from the present moment (love);
- By being fully present in my relationships (with humans and the more-than-human world);
- By being a better listener (talking less); and
- By offering safe spaces to be authentic and vulnerable in community, relationships, and conversations.
Join me on my new podcast, Soul Net, where we hold space and offer grace for real heart-to-heart conversations. You’ll find a link on my home page or you can search Soul Net wherever you listen to podcasts!
As our journey continues, may we meet ourselves and each other with grace. Thank you for being here. Next month, we’ll explore the topic of reciprocity.
Let’s journey together.
Our community is rooted in love and we love creative expression. Please feel free to share your creative expressions with us on Instagram #yourheartjourney | @meganlammam
With love,