In Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer writes: “Knowing that you love the Earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the Earth loves you in return, that relationship transforms from a one-way street to a sacred bond.” These words land on my heart like a prayer
This week, like many of you, I am recovering from a busy holiday season and processing grief (missing people I love and putting to rest what is no longer a part of my life). Coming home to this newsletter community and exploring the theme of grace has been just what my heart needs.
We often think of passion as it relates to an intimate experience with a partner. However, when we consider sharing our passion with the greater community, what does that look and feel like for you? For me, it looks and feels like vulnerability.
You've likely heard writers or artists say, when describing a piece of work or their process, that it came through them in a "stream of consciousness". For me, consciousness is a flow of energy that comes in the moment from a deep awareness of self. It's like a flow of energy from the
I recently gifted my friend, Deb, a tarot reading for her 50th birthday. I asked Deb to pull a theme card for her year (followed by 12 cards for each month). The theme card she pulled was transformation. At first glance, we were thrilled by the idea of transforming at 50! Then, we noticed
Emotional Habits: Part 2
I have a tendency to over-react with anger when my kids don't listen. I don't want to do that anymore. I spent the last two weeks exploring the reasons for my anger. This week felt like a walk in the valley of darkness.
I became interested in meditation a few years ago when I was feeling exhausted by the pace of life. I was running from one commitment to another and chasing one opportunity after another. I wanted a way to access peace in the midst of the chaos. I learned breathing techniques, practiced chanting and discovered
Staying Open
The theme of openness is one that I live by and it seems to be coming up a lot more these days in conversations that I am having with others. Last week, during The Class with Natalie Kuhn, she encouraged our group to stay open as we moved through challenging emotional and physical
Facing the truth
Facing the truth isn’t always easy. Especially when you’re afraid that the truth might hurt someone. This happened to me when my kids entered grade school. I realized that I was holding on to painful truths from my childhood and there was a very good chance that my pain would hurt my children