What a day for us to explore the topic of passion! Today, we had the honour of witnessing passion in its purest form when we watched Argentina and France compete in one of the most memorable, passionate World Cup soccer games ever!
Watching the players in their element strengthened my belief that passion is a primal source of energy that feeds your desire for greatness. It is the energy that gets you up in the morning to work hard for what you love, and it is the energy that pushes you beyond what you thought was possible. There is something wild, exciting and superhuman about passion. It rises from a place deep within your soul and, when ushered by pure love, it transforms into shared energy and creates a magical connection.
As we know, passion can be experienced in a private moment between two people or in a public arena with thousands of people. It can be felt in a kiss, in a song, in a story, in a soccer game.
We often think of passion as it relates to an intimate experience with a partner. However, when we consider sharing our passion with the greater community, what does that look and feel like for you?
For me, it looks and feels like vulnerability. To share your passion with others, you need to be comfortable with revealing your wild side. This often means digging deep, working hard and getting sweaty. It can be scary to show this side of you because it isn’t pretty. But passion isn’t about being pretty. It’s about being powerful.
Another thing to consider is that you need to be ok with stepping into an arena with your whole heart and risking rejection, loss, and injury. This can be on a date, in a meeting, on social media, anywhere you are sharing your passion. Think of the soccer players that left everything on the field today in the name of love and greatness. Let’s be inspired by their passion when we cultivate more passion in our own lives.
Moving forward into 2023, I will be bringing more of my passion to you in the form of a podcast that I will be co-hosting with two friends. On the pod, we will dive deep into real-life experiences that break us open. We will hold space for our souls to connect in truth and vulnerability. I can hardly wait to share the conversations with you. I’ll let you know when the first episode is available for listening!
Thank you so much for your support on the the path to love and connection. Wishing you passion and peace today and always.
In January, we’ll explore the topic of grace.
Let’s journey together.
Our community is rooted in love and we love creative expression. Please feel free to share your creative expressions with us on Instagram #yourheartjourney | @meganlammam
With love,