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Replenishment is defined in the dictionary as "the act of making something full again by replacing what has been used". In the context of being a whole human being, I define replenishment as a practice of re-filling your heart with the energy of love. Think of it like staying hydrated during a big

When it comes to finding stillness, I am a work in progress! Is anyone else feeling like the month of October is flying by? Sometimes I wonder if it’s my age or simply the pace of life that causes me to lose track of time. Whatever it is, I am trying to slow

You've likely heard writers or artists say, when describing a piece of work or their process, that it came through them in a "stream of consciousness". For me, consciousness is a flow of energy that comes in the moment from a deep awareness of self. It's like a flow of energy from the

As a society, we have become reliant on what other people say and do. We seek direction from external influences for our pleasure and purpose. I wonder if it’s because our human desire is to be seen and accepted, so we follow who and what is getting attention. The downside of turning to

Happy Summer! With the kids home from school and the days being longer, I am anticipating a busy time ahead. To stay healthy and aware of our physical and emotional needs, I am sharing some of my favourite self-care techniques with you in this Summer Guide To Living On The Path!

Self-awareness is the ultimate guide to well-being. It is knowing your emotional landscape and experiencing life in the present. On the path, we are exploring presence through vulnerability, creativity, joy, courage, and many other ways that help us get to know ourselves on a deeper level and respond to situations with a deeper sense

In my younger years, I put up walls around my heart to protect my true essence from people who could take it or harm it. Sometimes, I wore a mask to shield others from seeing my pain. But, getting hurt is inevitable and pain is a part of life, so why do so many of us attempt to hide from it? And,

I recently gifted my friend, Deb, a tarot reading for her 50th birthday. I asked Deb to pull a theme card for her year (followed by 12 cards for each month). The theme card she pulled was transformation. At first glance, we were thrilled by the idea of transforming at 50! Then, we noticed

Rumi said, "It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you." Rumi's words remind me that my soul's journey is my sole responsibility to honour and experience. It is up to me to walk in the direction of my purpose by being