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Love Tag

What a year! What a journey! After reflecting back on the last 10 months since I began writing this newsletter, I realized that being on the path to authenticity is about being in the present experience of your life and being accountable to your truth. So, why is it so hard to stay

Friends, we reached a milestone! We have been on this path together for nine months and we are still going strong. It is an honour and a privilege to share this adventure with you. We have explored many areas of our humanity that help us feel more connected to our feelings (self) and each

I often think of courage as stepping outside the comforts of the mainstream circle and bravely walking the path alone. This is incredibly hard when we live in a world where likes and followers are valued over truth and happiness. So how do we do it? How do we find the courage to

The art of surrender is letting go of whatever is holding you back from offering love. In the art of surrendering, you let go of control in pursuit of freedom. You release the pressure of ideals, set by yourself and others, and relax into what is real and true. You offer love and,

Intention is often associated with doing or making more of something, like doing more fitness classes or making more money. However, I like to think of intention as a state of energy and a way of being. It's the energy that leads us in our actions. In your life, are you leading with loving

I recently attended an online retreat with Mark Nepo. We shared stories about the light of our soul that is always present in the love of our hearts. I visualized my inner light in a lantern that is my heart and I captured it in this poem.