The Autumnal Equinox is one of my favourite times of the year to reflect on the topic of gratitude. I return to books of poetry by Rumi and Mary Oliver to provide a sense of warmth and connection. I also return to this quote from Mary Davis which grounds me in the ritual
Belonging Part 2
I don’t know if it’s a mid-life awakening or simply a survival technique to help get me through the teenage years with my kids, but I have been setting some big boundaries this year. Partly, it’s to conserve energy because I’m 50! But also, it’s to preserve my peace. So, where there are
In our culture, we refer to a vibe as a feeling that a person brings to a space. For example, you may hear someone say, “he brings a fun, party vibe” or “she has a boring, downer vibe”. We tend to use words to describe a person’s energy. But it goes much deeper
As a parent, friend, and co-worker, I encounter new experiences almost daily that require deeper understanding and adaptation. So, diving into the topic of humility this month was on point; a true adventure of unlearning and expansion. My first step was to deconstruct an old belief.
In Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer writes: “Knowing that you love the Earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the Earth loves you in return, that relationship transforms from a one-way street to a sacred bond.” These words land on my heart like a prayer
This week, like many of you, I am recovering from a busy holiday season and processing grief (missing people I love and putting to rest what is no longer a part of my life). Coming home to this newsletter community and exploring the theme of grace has been just what my heart needs.
Replenishment is defined in the dictionary as "the act of making something full again by replacing what has been used". In the context of being a whole human being, I define replenishment as a practice of re-filling your heart with the energy of love. Think of it like staying hydrated during a big
When you’re in rhythm with the universe, you feel good. You’re in a groove. You’re in alignment with your values and with others - feeling good about yourself, producing meaningful work, making good friends. However, life is messy and, in the messiness, your rhythm can be interrupted very quickly.
When it comes to finding stillness, I am a work in progress! Is anyone else feeling like the month of October is flying by? Sometimes I wonder if it’s my age or simply the pace of life that causes me to lose track of time. Whatever it is, I am trying to slow
You've likely heard writers or artists say, when describing a piece of work or their process, that it came through them in a "stream of consciousness". For me, consciousness is a flow of energy that comes in the moment from a deep awareness of self. It's like a flow of energy from the