In our culture, we refer to a vibe as a feeling that a person brings to a space. For example, you may hear someone say, “he brings a fun, party vibe” or “she has a boring, downer vibe”. We tend to use words to describe a person’s energy. But it goes much deeper
When you’re in rhythm with the universe, you feel good. You’re in a groove. You’re in alignment with your values and with others - feeling good about yourself, producing meaningful work, making good friends. However, life is messy and, in the messiness, your rhythm can be interrupted very quickly.
I have discovered that creativity is not what you think, it's how you express your feelings. As a child, I told myself that "I am not creative". My parents discouraged me from taking art and music classes because, in their opinion, "art didn't amount to anything" like a real job or a proper
Give your heart to the process
Pain is a process. Loss. Rejection. Betrayal. Loneliness. Whatever the cause, pain places us in an uncomfortable position and managing our emotions around it can be challenging. At times, we are so gripped by pain that we become stuck, immobile, and unable to help ourselves in the moment.