As a parent, friend, and co-worker, I encounter new experiences almost daily that require deeper understanding and adaptation. So, diving into the topic of humility this month was on point; a true adventure of unlearning and expansion. My first step was to deconstruct an old belief.
When you’re in rhythm with the universe, you feel good. You’re in a groove. You’re in alignment with your values and with others - feeling good about yourself, producing meaningful work, making good friends. However, life is messy and, in the messiness, your rhythm can be interrupted very quickly.
You've likely heard writers or artists say, when describing a piece of work or their process, that it came through them in a "stream of consciousness". For me, consciousness is a flow of energy that comes in the moment from a deep awareness of self. It's like a flow of energy from the
I recently gifted my friend, Deb, a tarot reading for her 50th birthday. I asked Deb to pull a theme card for her year (followed by 12 cards for each month). The theme card she pulled was transformation. At first glance, we were thrilled by the idea of transforming at 50! Then, we noticed
Rumi said, "It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you." Rumi's words remind me that my soul's journey is my sole responsibility to honour and experience. It is up to me to walk in the direction of my purpose by being
At the start of 2022, I chose the word “flow” as my word of intention for the year. I chose this word with the intention of welcoming, and not resisting, changes that may occur on the path. I quickly realized that in order for me to 'keep my word', my choices need to
Growing up, I remember my mom telling me to “act with integrity”. I didn't know what that meant so when I asked her for clarification she said "act in a way that is good”. I understood this definition of integrity as following the ways and expectations of other people. Do right by others.
A new year feels like an opening to new opportunities or, for those of us on the path, like an invitation to explore new points of view. As always, thank you for showing up and opening your heart to my thoughts and ideas about living with authenticity. This week, we are exploring the
Book Recommendations
What a year! What a journey! After reflecting back on the last 10 months since I began writing this newsletter, I realized that being on the path to authenticity is about being in the present experience of your life and being accountable to your truth. So, why is it so hard to stay
Friends, we reached a milestone! We have been on this path together for nine months and we are still going strong. It is an honour and a privilege to share this adventure with you. We have explored many areas of our humanity that help us feel more connected to our feelings (self) and each