During the pandemic, I couldn’t find inner peace by listening to the news or tuning into social media. In fact, the more I tuned into media, the more disconnected I felt from myself and my inner knowing. So, I turned to nature to guide me, and I used my heart compass for direction. I began walking once a week in a forest near my house. The trees quickly became a safe haven of solitude for me. A place to ground myself and renew my energy. In the woods, I discovered a community filled with light and life.
Come as you are, be as you are.
Trees are a constant source of energy and support. They are always there regardless of what is happening in the world. One of the great gifts that I receive by tuning into the quiet space of trees is to come as you are and be as you are. To unplug and be present. To show up as your authentic self – in all aspects of your life – so you don’t get tangled up in the web of what others are saying and doing. Like a tree, you stay standing, in your beautiful place of presence, supported by the strength of your roots and the connection of love.
For the love of trees
I am fascinated by what trees offer humans in terms of love and lessons. With their complex root systems that feed and support them, trees are a great metaphor for community. They remind us that we are part of a diverse community that needs love to grow and thrive. Also, with their broken branches and their weathered skins, trees are great examples of resilience. They remind us that, with strong systems of support, we can survive changing conditions and difficult storms. Perhaps the greatest lesson for me to learn at this particular time is understanding the strength in stillness. Trees show us that, only in peace and stillness, can we truly hear the song of others and receive their messages of love.
When I walk in the woods, I often see an energy field of white or yellow light glowing around a tree or a small group of trees. It’s as if God is shining a spotlight on them and inviting us to pause and receive the glorious loving energy that is there for us. This is one of my favourite experiences with trees. They are the most generous beings. On your walks, please keep your eyes open for these special ‘spotlight’ moments. If you open your heart to receive the light, you will feel its warmth penetrate your soul.
Every day, we walk our individual paths in the wilderness of life. Some days feel wilder than others. Some nights feel darker and lonelier than others. If you know someone who may be suffering or feeling alone, I encourage you to extend your heart to them and invite them to join you for a walk in the trees. Share this blog post with them as an offering of love. We need each other to grow and thrive. This is the way to love and connection on the path to authenticity.
Thank you for being here. I hope you find some quiet time this week with the trees. Next time, we’ll explore generosity.
Let’s journey together.
Our community is rooted in love and we love creative expression. Please feel free to share your creative expressions with us here and on Instagram #yourheartjourney | @meganlammam
With love,