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Author: Megan Lammam

Life is a process of hurting and healing. Resilience is the inner strength that we need to help move from recovery to discovery. Today feels like a good day to explore the topic of resilience and what it means to be resilient. With everything that is happening around the world and in our

As we move forward on the path to authenticity, solitude becomes an important part of renewing our energy for the journey ahead. It is our "water break", a place to catch our breath, where we rest and access a deep well of divine energy. For me, solitude is a silent journey inward that

Curiosity is the playground within your heart where your creative spirit is free to explore joy and wonder. After years of playing it safe in my life, it felt really good to embody my curiosity and play with the idea of writing and creating a book. The process was scary at first, but

I became interested in meditation a few years ago when I was feeling exhausted by the pace of life. I was running from one commitment to another and chasing one opportunity after another. I wanted a way to access peace in the midst of the chaos. I learned breathing techniques, practiced chanting and discovered

When I think about authenticity, words like true and pure come to mind. I am reminded of things being in a natural state and coming from soil, not influenced or changed by external factors. So, in terms of a human being living authentically, I think about a person living from a state of

Over the last two weeks, I have been thinking a lot about the events in my life that have caused tremendous pain and the times when I have been called to forgive. The memories and conversations brought up a range of emotions along with the realization that I still have a lot of

Intention is often associated with doing or making more of something, like doing more fitness classes or making more money. However, I like to think of intention as a state of energy and a way of being. It's the energy that leads us in our actions. In your life, are you leading with loving

I recently attended an online retreat with Mark Nepo. We shared stories about the light of our soul that is always present in the love of our hearts. I visualized my inner light in a lantern that is my heart and I captured it in this poem.

In life, we often stumble, fall, and mess up. This is what it means to be human. Unfortunately, however, for many of us, we learn that falling is weakness and making a mistake is shameful. These social labels or "standards" make it very difficult for people to embrace their humanness.

Being vulnerable and sharing your emotions with others is like opening a door to your heart and letting people see you - the real you - in all your messy feelings. It's hard but it is the only way for people to really get to know you. In my experience, the gifts of love