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Intention is often associated with doing or making more of something, like doing more fitness classes or making more money. However, I like to think of intention as a state of energy and a way of being. It's the energy that leads us in our actions. In your life, are you leading with loving

Being vulnerable and sharing your emotions with others is like opening a door to your heart and letting people see you - the real you - in all your messy feelings. It's hard but it is the only way for people to really get to know you. In my experience, the gifts of love

The topic of emotional agility is personal for me because it is the foundation of my daily practice and the theme of my new children’s book. This week, I experienced a devastating loss with the death of my friend’s 13 year-old daughter. It was a harsh reminder that life is unpredictable, incredibly hard

I have discovered that creativity is not what you think, it's how you express your feelings. As a child, I told myself that "I am not creative". My parents discouraged me from taking art and music classes because, in their opinion, "art didn't amount to anything" like a real job or a proper