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Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we felt safe and secure to be real in our relationships? This question is on my mind a lot lately as we find our way in a post-pandemic world where family units and friendships have been fractured due to a global "shutdown" and

Since my last newsletter, I have been actively making time for joy as a way of shifting my energy from heavy (trauma healing) to light (feeling free). It has been uplifting and soul-affirming! Joy is being in the energy of your truth. It is a source of light that connects us to other

The pandemic brought up a lot of difficult emotions for me and ultimately raised the question about whether my emotional habits are serving my purpose to live authentically. After some consideration, I realized that a few of my emotional habits are harmful and, in fact, they are getting in the way of my

I often think of courage as stepping outside the comforts of the mainstream circle and bravely walking the path alone. This is incredibly hard when we live in a world where likes and followers are valued over truth and happiness. So how do we do it? How do we find the courage to

The art of surrender is letting go of whatever is holding you back from offering love. In the art of surrendering, you let go of control in pursuit of freedom. You release the pressure of ideals, set by yourself and others, and relax into what is real and true. You offer love and,

Life is a process of hurting and healing. Resilience is the inner strength that we need to help move from recovery to discovery. Today feels like a good day to explore the topic of resilience and what it means to be resilient. With everything that is happening around the world and in our

As we move forward on the path to authenticity, solitude becomes an important part of renewing our energy for the journey ahead. It is our "water break", a place to catch our breath, where we rest and access a deep well of divine energy. For me, solitude is a silent journey inward that

Curiosity is the playground within your heart where your creative spirit is free to explore joy and wonder. After years of playing it safe in my life, it felt really good to embody my curiosity and play with the idea of writing and creating a book. The process was scary at first, but